Child Support

Finding Solutions for Every Family

Kansas City Child Support Services You Can Trust

Navigating the Complexities of Child Support Laws

In many divorce cases or custody cases that involve child custody, mandatory child support is ordered to be paid from one parent to the other. In most child support cases, the court will order the non-custodial parent to make child support payments to the custodial parent. If physical custody is shared, a special agreement may be established.

Child support issues can quickly get stressful and become a subject of significant litigation if you do not have a child support attorney to represent serving Kansas City. At Davis | Family Law, our attorneys have over 35 years of experience in family law and are prepared to help you through the complex child support process.

Why You Should Hire a Kansas City Attorney for Child Support

If you are currently under a child support order but believe that you should not be paying child support, you need to get the child support order modified. If the reason you believe child support should stop, then that order must be changed, as well. A Kansas City family law lawyer can help you complete the Motion to Modify Child Support as soon as possible.

Contact Our Attorneys Today To Schedule a Consultation.

Understanding How Child Support is Determined in Kansas City, Missouri

The court tends to take into account a handful of different factors which will impact whether child support is ordered, how much will be ordered, and who will be ordered to pay. It is imperative that you have a legal advocate to help you achieve a successful resolution in child support issues related to child support in your divorce.

One of our Kansas City family law attorneys can represent you in court to help ensure that the judge considers the best interest of your child. There are very specific guidelines the state of Missouri references when calculating the amount of child support to be paid.

A few factors which are considered by the court in a child support determination include:

  • The existing or proposed child custody agreement
  • The income and earning capacity of each spouse
  • The schooling and healthcare costs of the children

Can Child Support Be Waived in Missouri? Here’s What You Need to Know

Yes, child support can be waived in Missouri by altering a child support order or terminated by the court only. A parent who does not have sole custody of a child may request termination under the following reason: The child on the child support order lived under the noncustodial parent’s care for a period greater than thirty days without any overnight visitations with the custodial parent.

Contact Davis | Family Law today at (816) 407-8702 to make an appointment with a knowledgeable Kansas City child support lawyer.

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